Ko ‘emau founga ngāue ki he langa falé
‘Oku lahi ‘a e ngaahi ngāue mo e polokalama langa fale ‘a e Kāinga Ora kuo kamata‘i ke fakalahi ‘a hono tuku atu ‘o e ngaahi fale nofo‘angá ma‘á e kakai Kiwi. ‘Oku kau ki heni ‘a e ngaahi polōseki ki he fale nofo‘angá ‘i ha ngaahi lahi mo e fa‘ahinga kehekehe ‘i he ngaahi feitu‘u tefito ‘o Nu‘u Silá mo e kotoa ‘o e fonuá.
Growing our housing portfolio
Kāinga Ora builds additional state houses based on the Government’s Public Housing Plan, which tells us how many houses are needed and where they are needed.
Over the two years to 30 June 2026, we will be adding 2,650 homes to our state housing stock, bringing the total number of state houses throughout Aotearoa to around 78,000.
We will do this through:
- removing old Kāinga Ora houses and redeveloping on the land;
- working with construction firms to build houses;
- buying completed homes from private developers.
A focus on renewal
We also have a focus on renewing our existing homes, to make sure we have homes in the right locations and our homes are suitable for the people that need them.
We renew our homes through:
- renovating them through our retrofit programme, adding at least 50 years to their life;
- removing homes and redeveloping on the same land;
- selling the houses and the land and replacing it with a new warm, dry home elsewhere.
Over the two years to 30 June 2026, almost 3,000 Kāinga Ora homes will be renewed, delivering warmer, drier and healthier homes for people in need, in the right locations.
Selling our homes
Our focus on renewals means Kāinga Ora will strategically sell some state homes or land it owns. Generally, this will be because selling makes the best economic sense, or we need to prioritise social housing in another area.
It’s important to note when we sell, we are not reducing our overall number of state homes. For each Kāinga Ora home we sell, we deliver a newly built state home elsewhere.
When we sell, the funds are reinvested to renew even more of our homes.
This approach means we are releasing more homes into the market for all New Zealanders, while continuing to provide social housing in the right locations.
Fa‘ufa‘u mo e palaní
Ko e ngaahi ngāue langa ‘a e Kāinga Ora ‘oku fakakau ki ai ‘a e ngaahi tefito‘i fakakaukau mo e ngaahi founga mapule‘i ‘okú ne fakapapau‘i ‘oku ma‘u ‘e he ngaahi fale nofo‘anga ‘oku mau langá ha tu‘unga lelei mo ne feau ‘a e ngaahi fiema‘u ‘a e ngaahi komiunitī ‘oku mau tokanga‘í.
‘I he taimi ‘oku mau langa aí ‘oku mau fakakaukau‘i ‘a e ngaahi ngāue lalahí (infrastructure), hangē ko e ngaahi hala pule‘angá mo e nāunau fakamānako, hangē ko e ngaahi paaká, ke fa‘u ha nofo fakakolo ‘oku fengāue‘aki lelei, manakoa mo fakalahi ai ‘a e ngaahi faka‘amu ‘a e komiunitií.
‘Oku ‘i ai ‘emau ngaahi fakahinohino ki he fa‘u palaní ki hono langa ‘o e fale nofo‘anga ma‘á e kakaí pea ko ‘emau ngaahi tu‘unga leleí mo hono fa‘u ‘o e ngaahi palani ki he ngaahi ‘api fo‘oú ‘oku ngāue‘aki ki ai ‘a e Te Aranga Design Principles. Ko e ngaahi tefito‘i fakakaukau ko ‘ení ‘oku fakava‘e ‘aki ‘a e ngaahi ‘ulungaanga faka-Mauli ‘oku fakamahu‘inga‘í pea taumu‘a ke fakaivia ‘a e lotolotonga ‘o e mana whenua , ‘ata leleí mo e kau atu ki hono fa‘u ‘o e palani ki he feitu‘u ‘i koló.
‘Oku mau fakalelei‘i ‘a e tu‘unga ‘o hono fakafaingofua‘i ‘a e fenga‘unuaki takai holó ‘i homau ngaahi ‘api pule‘anga fo‘oú mo e lolotongá, ma‘a ‘emau kau kasitomaá. Ko ‘emau taumu‘á ke fakaai ha ngaahi ‘api malu ‘oku lava ai ‘a e kakaí ‘o nofo tau‘atāina ‘o ‘ikai toe fakafalala, lava ‘o fakaafe‘i ki ai honau kāingá mo e ngaahi kaungāme‘á ke nau ‘a‘ahi ki ai, pea mo nau hoko ai ko e kupu ‘o e komiunitī ‘oku nau nofo aí ‘o ‘ikai ha ngaahi ‘ā vahevahe ki ai.
‘Oku tuku atu ‘e he palani fakalūkufuá ha ngaahi fale nofo‘anga ma‘á e kakaí hono kotoa ‘oku toe lelei ange, kau ai ‘a e (kae ‘ikai fakangatangata pē ki he) ngaahi fāmili kei ta‘u si‘i mo kei tupulaki hake ‘a ‘enau longa‘i fānaú, kakai ‘o e ngaahi ta‘u motu‘a kehekehe kuo nau lavea pe puke fakataimi pē, kinautolu kuo hoko ha palopalema ki he‘enau nga‘unu takai holó, sió pe tūkunga fakakaukaú, pea mo e faka‘au ko ia ke tupu tokolahi ‘a e kakai matu‘otu‘a angé.
‘Oku fakakau ‘i he palani fakalūkufuá ‘a e ngaahi tafa‘aki lalahi ko ‘ení:
- Hū‘angá: ngaahi hala fā‘atā meí he tau‘anga me‘alelé mo e hala pule‘angá, ‘o ‘ikai fakasitepu kapau ‘oku malava ‘eni, pe ko e malava ke fokotu‘u ha halanga lue lalo pe teke‘anga saliote (ramp) ‘i he kaha‘ú.
- Faingofua ki hono faka‘aonga‘í: ngaahi kau (handles) ki he matapaá pea mo e ngaahi kōpaté ‘oku faingofua hono ngāue‘akí, tu‘u fakataha ‘a e fale kaukaú mo e loki mohé ‘i he fungavaka tatau mo e lotofalé (pe ko e lava ke liliu ‘eni ‘i ha taimi kehe ange ‘i he kaha‘ú ke ma‘u ai ‘a e tūkunga ko ‘ení).
- Tu‘unga malu mo haó: faliki ‘oku ‘ikai hekeheke ‘i he ngaahi falekaukaú mo e peitó.
- Fulihi ngofua: fale kaukau lahi fe‘unga ke fulihi kakato ke faingofua ai ‘a e fenga‘unu‘aki takai holó kapau ‘e fiema‘u ‘i he kaha‘ú.
Lau lahi ange fekau‘aki mo ‘emau Accessibility Policy (Tu‘utu‘uni Ngāue ki he Ngaahi ‘Api Tūkunga Lelei ki he Fenga‘unuaki Holó).
‘I he ‘ene hoko ko ia ko e kautaha lahi taha ‘a Nu‘u Sila ‘oku nau tuku atu ‘a e ngaahi falé, kuo ma‘u ai ‘e he Kāinga Ora ha tu‘utu‘uni ‘a e pule‘angá ke ne tataki ‘a e liliú. ‘Oku ‘uhinga ia kuo pau ke mau takimu‘a ‘i he ‘ilo fo‘oú mo e ngāue‘i ‘o e fakalakalaká ke langa ha ngaahi ‘api lahi ange.
Ko e ngaahi nāunau ‘i he feitu‘u kehe mei he feitu‘u ‘oku langa ai ‘a e falé (OSM) ko ha founga langa ia ‘oku fakalahi ‘emau ngāue‘aki ‘i he ‘emau polokalama langá ke tuku atu ai ha ngaahi ‘api tu‘unga lelei ‘i ha taimi vave ange, mo e ngaahi ola lelei tahá ma‘á e kakaí mo e kāingá, ngaahi komiunitií, mo e ngāue‘anga langá.
Lau ha fakamatala lahi ange ki he OSM
Ko e Kāinga Ora – Homes and Communities ko ha konga ia ‘o e Construction Sector Accord na‘e fakaava ‘i ‘Epeleli 2019 ‘e he Palēmiá, kau Minisitā ki he Aleapau langá, mo e ngaahi ngāue‘anga ‘i he Accord Development Group ‘a ia ‘oku kau ki ai ha kau taki ‘e toko 13 mei he sekitoa kotoa ki he ngāue‘anga langá mo e pule‘angá.
Following a Cabinet decision late last year, Ministers have decided to close the Construction Sector Accord's Transformation Plan 2022-2025, and the Construction Sector Accord will continue in a different form. Read more about the Construction Sector Accord(external link)
‘Oku mau laukau ‘aki ‘i he Bader Ventura, ko e fuofua langa fakalakalaka ‘a e Kāinga Ora ki he tu‘unga ‘o e fale ‘ea lelei ki he mo‘uí, ‘a ia kuo fili ko ha Beacon Project (Polōseki ke Faka‘ali‘ali)(external link) ‘e he Construction Sector Accord. Ko e Bader Ventura ko ha sīpinga ia ki he taki lelei mo e ‘ilo fo‘ou ‘i he sekitoá, ‘o poupou ki he vīsone ‘a e Accord ki ha ‘sekitoa langa ‘oku ngāue ki ha tu‘unga mā‘olunga ke ‘ausia ai ha Nu‘u Sila ‘oku lelei ange‘.
Kuo fakafo‘ou ‘a e peesí: 3 Sepitema 2024