Brookfields and Onehunga Mall completed AR101564 LFGX5020E Ko ‘emau founga ngāue ki he langa falé

‘Oku lahi ‘a e ngaahi ngāue mo e polokalama langa fale ‘a e Kāinga Ora kuo kamata‘i ke fakalahi ‘a hono tuku atu ‘o e ngaahi fale nofo‘angá ma‘á e kakai Kiwi. ‘Oku kau ki heni ‘a e ngaahi polōseki ki he fale nofo‘angá ‘i ha ngaahi lahi mo e fa‘ahinga kehekehe ‘i he ngaahi feitu‘u tefito ‘o Nu‘u Silá mo e kotoa ‘o e fonuá.

‘I he Konga ko ‘ení
HDS banner Building through the Housing Delivery System

Our Housing Delivery System (HDS) is how we are planning and building houses to deliver much needed, quality homes for whānau faster and at a lower cost.

Mavis Hayman Beach Haven AR101177 DJI 0907 Social housing developments

Kāinga Ora is making more efficient use of land by replacing many of our older state houses with more, warm and dry homes in areas of high demand.

Planned developments Planned developments

Keeping our communities informed is very important to us. The sites below are in the early planning stages and our Stakeholder Relationship Managers will keep you up to date with our plans as they progress.

Welcoming Event 33 Ko hono tauhi ‘o e ‘ilo ‘a e komiunitií

‘Oku ‘i ai ha tu‘utu‘uni mahino ‘a e Kāinga Ora ke tuku atu ha ngaahi ‘api lahi ange ke a‘usia ‘a e fiema‘u fakavavevave ‘i hotau ngaahi komiunitií. Ko ‘emau ngāue ‘oku fakakau mai ki ai ‘a e kakaí ‘oku fakataumu‘a ke ‘ilo ‘a e ngaahi komiunitií ki he tu‘unga fakamuimuitaha fekau‘aki mo e ngaahi ‘api ‘oku lolotonga langa ‘i honau feitu‘ú, pea ke tokoni‘i ha ngaahi komiunitī ‘oku tupulaki.

Replacing insualtion landscape Polokalama ‘a e Kāinga Ora ki he Fakalelei Falé (Retrofit)

‘Oku fa‘u ‘e he Kāinga Ora ‘emau ngaahi ‘apí ke māfana, mātu‘u mo fakatupu mo‘ui lelei ange ke tokoni ki hono fakalelei‘i ‘o e tu‘unga lelei ‘o e mo‘ui ‘emau kau nofo totongí. Fakafou ‘i he Polokalama Fakanāunau Fakalahí, ‘oku mau fakalakalaka‘i ai mo fakalelei‘i ‘a e ni‘ihi ‘o ‘emau ngaahi ‘api motu‘a angé ke tokoni ki hono tuku atu ha ngaahi ‘api faka‘ofo‘ofa ma‘a homau kau nofo totongí.

Maintenance and asset management Transforming how we maintain and care for our homes

To provide warm, dry and healthy homes in a financially sustainable way, we are transforming how we upgrade our older homes and maintain our portfolio of over 75,000 properties.