Supporting collaboration between the public and private sectors and mana whenua, the SDP process is a tool that can be used to plan and deliver complex and transformational urban development projects, helping address Aotearoa New Zealand’s housing shortage.

The NGA is around 1000 hectares of greenfield land in northern Porirua, primarily made up of seven major land blocks. The area has been identified by Porirua City Council and the Wellington Regional Leadership Committee as suitable for future urban growth. In August 2022, it was selected for assessment as a potential SDP under the Urban Development Act 2020.

The public are invited to find out more about the proposed key features, and provide feedback on the proposed project area, objectives, and governance body, between 31 August and 29 September 2023.

Kāinga Ora General Manager Urban Planning and Design, Katja Lietz, is looking forward to hearing feedback from the public in these early stages.

“Since selecting the NGA for assessment, we’ve worked closely with partners Porirua City Council and Ngāti Toa Rangatira, key stakeholders, landowners, and developers, gathering insights to shape the proposed key features. Now they’re ready for the public to check out where we’ve got to.”

“We’re early in the SDP process - the assessment is step one of an eight step process. If an SDP is established, we’ll work with our partners, stakeholders, landowners, and the community to create a development plan, with further opportunities for the public to provide feedback on how housing and urban development should be shaped and delivered in the area.”

The SDP process is designed so land use planning, infrastructure and funding arrangements can be sorted upfront, meaning delivery of housing and urban development can get underway.

“Establishing the NGA as an SDP could be a significant opportunity for Porirua City Council, Ngāti Toa Rangatira, landowners and developers, Kāinga Ora, and other stakeholders to shape the project to deliver on aligned objectives and help address the region’s housing shortage. This could create sustainable, inclusive, and thriving communities in the area, providing a range of housing options, public transport, walking and cycling infrastructure, recreational facilities, employment, and education.”

“We appreciate people may have misconceptions that Kāinga Ora is involved in this process in its role as a developer of public housing but that’s not the case. As the government’s urban development authority, we have a mandate to enable homes of all types (public, market and affordable) to be built,” says Ms Lietz.

Porirua Mayor Anita Baker says while it’s early in the process and there will be other opportunities for the community to have their say, this is a good chance to be involved as planning for a potential SDP begins to take shape.

“This is a hugely significant project that will have long-reaching implications for our city, so we want to make sure Kāinga Ora have plenty of feedback from the public. Please consider the proposed key features and provide your feedback.”

Ngāti Toa Rangatira CEO Helmut Modlik reflected on lessons learnt from the initial intensive residential development of Porirua in the 1950s and 60s.

“Ngāti Toa was forced to watch as the environment and waterways that had sustained our people for generations were degraded by narrowly conceived, intensive residential development. We are determined to participate fully in this project to ensure not only better housing outcomes and community building, but environmental and water quality outcomes too.”

The feedback will be considered by Kāinga Ora, including if any changes to the proposed key features are required.

Kāinga Ora will also include a feedback summary in the recommendation report to the Ministers of Housing and Finance, who will decide if the project should be established as an SDP.

Find out more about the proposed key features and provide feedback at link)

Alternatively, head along to an in-person drop-in session:

Where: St Andrews Church Hall, 11 Steyne Avenue, Plimmerton
When: 5pm-7.30pm Thursday 7 September 2023

Where: Pukerua Bay RSA, 5 Wairaka Road, Pukerua Bay
When: 2pm-4pm, Saturday 16 September 2023

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Kuo fakafo‘ou ‘a e peesí: 31 ʻAokosi 2023