Hawke's Bay region
To deliver more warm and dry homes in areas of high demand, Kāinga Ora is replacing older state houses with a greater number of new and modern homes, and partnering with developers and others to build on new land.
Community engagement
Keeping our neighbours informed during the development journey is really important to us. We have drop-in sessions regularly across the region to enable neighbours and community to speak with us in person and learn more about our work programme such as:
- How sites are identified for new housing.
- Our design, planning and construction processes.
- How we place people into homes and manage our housing.
- How we support customers to live well in their homes and community.
At the end of April, beginning May, we held a community drop-in week [PDF, 276 KB] so the community could find out more about our plans, meet the team and ask questions.
We’ve also developed interactive maps to provide greater access to communities to understand what’s happening on our projects.
Note: the Napier area includes, but is not limited to Maraenui, Marewa, Onekawa and Taradale.
Note: the Hastings area includes, but is not limited to Mayfair, Camberley, Flaxmere, Mahora, Raureka, St Leonards, Akina and Havelock North.
For more information
You can read through our FAQs or get in touch with the team for any questions, by emailing ENIengagement@kaingaora.govt.nz.
- Brenda Ferguson, Stakeholder Relationship Manager
- Tipene Heperi, Senior Stakeholder Relationship Manager
- Dale Grant, Manager - Community Engagement and Partnerships
Or freephone 0800 801 601 and ask to be transferred.
Page updated: 5 September 2024