General and tenant enquiries

For all enquiries and feedback, complete our online form
Freephone: 0800 801 601 (New Zealand only)
Contact our Customer Support Centre who provided responses for all enquiries between 8am to 6pm, Monday to Friday and 24/7 for urgent calls.
Fax: 0800 201 202
Overseas callers: +64 4 439 3253 between 8am to 6pm NZT.
You will incur an international call charge.


Kāinga Ora – Homes and Communities
National Office
PO Box 2628
Wellington 6140

Our locations: visit our Kāinga Ora offices anytime between 9am to 4pm, Monday to Friday.

Providing feedback or a complaint process

Read more on Kāinga Ora's Feedback and complaints process

Interpreter and relay services

Connecting Now

Connecting Now is a free, phone-based interpreter service that lets you talk to us in the language you feel comfortable using. Connecting Now has over 40 different languages which you can ask for whenever you call us.

New Zealand Relay Service

Deaf or hearing-impaired customers can use New Zealand Relay (NZ Relay) to contact us.

Visit the New Zealand Relay Service website(external link)for more information.

Home ownership product enquiries

For help with our home ownership products:
Phone: 0508 935 266 (Monday to Friday, 9am - 5pm) or

Media enquiries

If you're a media outlet and have a query about Kāinga Ora - Homes and Communities, email:

Please do not use this email address for customer, general or business enquiries.

Media queries related to Kāinga Ora customers

We are only able to provide comment on situations relating to individual customers if the customer has signed a Consent to Disclose Information to Media [PDF, 119 KB] form giving us permission to share relevant information.

We will accept a scanned or photographed signed copy of the completed form if it is sent to us from the email address we have on file for the customer.

You can also send in a scanned or photographed signed copy of the completed form from another email address on the customer’s behalf.  But you must included a scanned or photograph copy of the customer’s identification, preferably with a photo and signature visible on the ID.

Reporting staff, tenant or contractor fraud

If you experience or see Kāinga Ora staff, tenants or contractors acting or conducting themselves inapporapriately then you can report it to our Integrity team. Examples of fraud are subletting our housing, financial products misuse, corruption, dishonesty or conflicts of interest.

KiwiBuild enquiries

Contact centre: 0508 935 266 (Monday to Friday, 9am - 5pm) or

Urban development enquiries

For enquiries relating to large-scale developments

Phone: 0800 801 601

Kāinga Ora – Homes and Communities
Hobsonville Office
PO Box 84143, Westgate
Auckland 0657

For all other urban development enquiries

Phone: 0800 801 601

Kāinga Ora – Homes and Communities
PO Box 74598, Greenlane
Central Auckland 1546

Official Information Act (OIA) requests

Official information is any information held by an agency that can be requested by the public.  These requests can include:

  • documents, reports, memoranda, letters, emails and drafts
  • non-written information, such as video or tape recordings
  • the reasons for any decisions that have been made about you
  • manuals that set out internal rules, principles, policies or guidelines for decision-making
  • agendas and minutes of meetings, including those not open to the public.

To make an OIA request, complete this form and we will get back to you within 20 working days.

Page updated: 21 August 2023