We understand that leaving your community can be stressful and disruptive, so Kāinga Ora has a policy that means all tenants affected by redevelopment have the choice to return to their local community as soon as possible.

What happens if we plan to redevelop

If you are affected by redevelopment and have to be rehoused, an Advisor Customer Liaison will ask you about your preferences for areas to live in. They will take into account the location of places you need to visit often, like schools, workplaces, doctors and churches.

That means if we have to rehouse you we will try our best to:

  • find a permanent home in your current community, if that’s what you prefer.
  • if we can’t find a suitable home in your local community straight away, we will move you temporarily and prioritise the search for a replacement home for you.
  • if you don’t want to remain in your local community, or if you find you are happy in a home outside the area, you will not have to return to the original suburb.

The Choice to Return policy has been created to house as many of our tenants as possible in communities that fit with their lives. It might take time to find the house that suits, but freeing up land to build more homes creates more options for everyone. If you are affected by one of our redevelopments and have to move, the decision on which community you live in will be lead by you.

Page updated: 4 July 2023