Our tenants health and safety
The health and safety of our tenants, maintenance contractors and visitors to our properties is important to us.

Sometimes our homes can get too hot, too cold or have too much moisture in the air – and all of these things can affect our health. Here are some tips to stay healthy whatever the weather.

Kāinga Ora has programmes to help our tenants find out how to keep homes warm, well-ventilated and as dry as possible.

A house fire can take everything from you, even your life. Let’s make sure that doesn’t happen. Here’s some easy fire safety tips to keep you and your loved ones safe.

Some of our older houses were built with asbestos products and/or painted with lead-based paint. These products are safe if they are in good condition.

Airing out your home is a great way to release moisture and stop mould from spreading. Follow these tips for a healthy and pest-free home.

We care about the safety of our tenants and want to do what we can to prevent young children from being run over and hurt in our homes’ driveways.

Emergencies can happen anywhere, any time and without warning. We can look after ourselves and the people we care about by knowing the different ways to stay informed.

Here’s a list of some of the services that are available in New Zealand offering support, information and help.

The health and wellbeing of our customers, staff and contractors is at the heart of our approach to managing methamphetamine contamination in our homes.

Here’s some helpful information on your solar panels and how to get the most out of them.