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Displaying 1 - 10 results of 80 for "gisborne"
Whānau moving from motels into Gisborne’s largest social housing development
Whānau are ready to move into Gisborne’s new 31 home, social housing development this week. For most of the new tenants, it will be the first time they have had a long-term place to live for some time. with them 24 tamariki who will now have a warm, dry, secure place to call home. This is a significant milestone for Gisborne, and for whānau and their tamariki
Gisborne region
To deliver more warm and dry homes in areas of high demand, Kāinga Ora is replacing older state houses with a greater number of new and modern homes, and partnering with developers and others to build on new land. ; interactive map (external link) that has more information about the homes we're planning for Gisborne. For more information Contact: Theo Akroyd, Senior
Land blessed before building of 14 new Elgin homes starts
Vacant land in Manuka Street, Elgin was blessed this week (Tuesday 10 May) by Minister Zhane Whelan before contractors started work building fourteen new, warm homes for whānau in need. The blessing was attended by iwi representatives, building contractors, local residents, police, corrections and Maanaki Tairāwhiti. Gisborne Mayor Rehette
Working with building developers boosts public housing in Gisborne
Agreements between Kāinga Ora and building developers will lift the number of social houses available in one of the eight areas of severe housing deprivation identified in the public housing plan. complete. This is what is happening with the development in Childers Road, Gisborne.” RND Projects is building 11 two-bedroom homes. Once complete, Kāinga Ora will
New homes for Te Hapara consented
New homes for 21 whānau will be built on adjoining sections on Gladstone Road and Mill Road in Te Hapara Gisborne. Kāinga Ora homes and communities have been granted resource consent to build one and two storey homes, and a 3 storey building on Gladstone Road. together than what we are used to in Gisborne, this is a model that has worked well around the world to build supportive communities." Vicky is a Gizzy gal born
First 3-storey walkup apartments for Gisborne
We have purchased ten homes near the central city in Gisborne to be used for public housing. ). “So it is good to see the completion of these ten warm, dry, high quality public homes in such a central location. The development includes Gisborne’s first
The impact of blessing new homes for Tairāwhiti whānau
Morehu has blessed many of the 90 new Gisborne homes Kāinga Ora has built in the last 2 years. As a kaikarakia based in Tairāwhiti, he knows that a blessing is a very important part of providing homes for whānau who haven’t had anywhere suitable to live. . “Having our nannies and papas along helps us to make sure we are doing the right thing and keep us safe.” One of the people moving into the new Gisborne homes
12 new public homes for Gisborne whānau
Twelve new public homes were blessed by Tairāwhiti kaikarakia Morehu Pewhairangi recently before whānau move in. The homes Gisborne include five homes that have been built by trade academies and seven more homes for Manuka Street, Elgin. Homes in Konini Street, Grafton
New homes for Gisborne from trade academies
Six brand new, healthy homes built by three trade academies have arrived at Kāinga Ora sites in Gisborne. their allocated sites in Gisborne recently. Another four homes being built by trade academies are currently in the pipeline for Gisborne. All of the homes are
New public housing is coming to Elgin, Gisborne
Several projects are underway to provide much needed public housing in Elgin. run a pre-employment programme from their Gisborne facility for rangatahi (young people) who want to get into a trade, so this development provides valuable