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Displaying 1 - 10 results of 1000 for "A submenu is usually identified by a(n) ."
Design Review Panel
Earlier this year, our Urban Design Panels team asked for feedback on improving the effectiveness of our Design Review process by surveying a range of our builder partners. Report will be issued if all fundamental and significant issues identified by the panel are resolved. You’ll need this document to apply for resource consent with Council in the next instance.
Our archives - Overview
Several thousand records relating to many aspects of state housing, including those relating to houses at one time owned by the state, are held by Archives New Zealand. , Taranaki, Waikato and the Bay of Plenty. In those districts it is not usually possible to identify the plans used. My house is the same as others in the street
Locals lap up Stone Soup event
A local Whanganui community event with close ties to Kāinga Ora has been connecting the community for more than 12 years. Stone Soup is held in Lorenzdale Park, in an area with a high concentration of our homes, every couple of months each year. It is based on a folk story in
Drones a game changer for maintenance
In a first for Kāinga Ora, we’re trialling the use of drones to assess the condition of roofs and gutters on our homes, and it’s proving to be a game changer for our maintenance teams. drone is usually in the air for around two minutes, only capturing detail needed for the assessments. The video footage is reviewed by our roofing team who
Fresh start for over 850 old state homes
Thousands of individuals and whānau are now living in warmer, drier and heathier homes, as older state homes are renovated throughout the country. a home takes three to four months on average, so we move tenants to a temporary home, usually another state house in their neighbourhood, while it is completed
Consentium takes out innovation award
Kāinga Ora Building Consent Authority (BCA) Consentium has won the Innovator of the Year Award at the Building Officials Institute of New Zealand (BOINZ) Excellence Awards. -Territorial Authority BCA, Consentium was innovative even in its set up. A registered BCA is usually managed by a Territorial Authority. An option outside this hadn’t
Make an Official Information Act (OIA) Request
The Official Information Act 1982 (OIA) allows you to make a request for official information held by New Zealand public service agencies, including Kāinga Ora. Official information is any information held by a public service agency, a Minister of the Crown and an organisation. It includes, but is not limited to
Community comes together for Waiata Wednesdays
Every Wednesday evening, Tamihana and friends gather to sing waiata, learn about Te Ao Māori and nurture their growing community. and SIX60’s hit, Pepeha . For Tamihana the weekly get together at the communal space of a Kāinga Ora complex in Auckland’s North Shore, is about sharing and
Debbie takes community mindedness to the next level
As soon as you meet Debbie, her passion for helping others is clear. Over the years, Debbie has volunteered her time and skills to help others in her community – something she has always been inspired to do. do that,” says Debbie. One of the ways Debbie gives back is by running a food bank, C3 Cares, through her church. In fact, if you visit Debbie on a weekday
Fitting out a place called home
As New Zealand’s largest residential landlord, Kāinga Ora owns and manages nearly 70,000 public homes across the country. Many of these homes are more than 60 years old and are in need of a full renovation so they can keep housing people for decades to come. Howcroft, Kāinga Ora Director of Delivery. “This is not just about bringing our homes up to minimum requirements either – in many cases we are exceeding