Sunfield development not selected by Kāinga Ora
23 November 2021
Urban Development Act administrator Kāinga Ora has not selected the proposed Sunfield development in Papakura, Auckland, for assessment as a Specified Development Project (SDP) under the Urban Development Act (UDA) at this time.
Kāinga Ora General Manager Urban Planning & Design, Katja Lietz, says that after carefully considering the proposal, Kāinga Ora does not consider it would be able to add value to the proposed development utilising the powers available under the UDA.
“A partnership with Kāinga Ora as anticipated by the UDA may add unnecessary complexity and uncertainty to this project,” said Ms Lietz.
Ms Lietz said Kāinga Ora also had specific concerns about aspects of the development that could only be resolved in consultation with other parties.
“For example, proposed infrastructure to address the risk of flooding would only be feasible in willing partnership with Auckland Council. We proposed discussions with Council to explore this and the proposer declined,” she said.
“In addition our team had concerns regarding the consistency of the proposal with the purpose and principles of the UDA, and considers there is a misalignment in expected timeframes between the proposal and what Kāinga Ora can offer as a partner.”
The Urban Development Act 2020 (Act) empowers Kāinga Ora to undertake and facilitate transformational, complex urban development that contributes to sustainable, inclusive and thriving communities.
Specified Development Projects (SDPs), established under the Act, provide a new way for Kāinga Ora to work with councils, iwi and private developers to deliver such urban developments.
Ms Lietz said that progressing a proposal under the UDA deviated from the traditional process under the Resource Management Act (RMA) administered by local government and well understood by communities, Mana Whenua and stakeholders. The developments instead become a partnership between the developer and Kāinga Ora, and work through a different authorisation process.
“As such, it is important when selecting projects for assessment that we are satisfied progressing a proposal under this new Act and in partnership with Kāinga Ora is appropriate and will improve the development process,” she said.
“The proposer is a capable and well-funded developer seeking reduced timeframes and complexity for this development. We do not consider partnering with Kāinga Ora under the UDA will achieve that.
“The need to consult widely and to obtain local Council support remains. Progressing this development through the usual RMA process provides a framework for the zone changes and consents they seek, so this is by no means the end of the road for it.”
The proposer had been notified of the Kāinga Ora decision.
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Page updated: 23 November 2021