Nelson City Council has sold its social housing portfolio to Kāinga Ora in an agreement both believe will help stimulate a wider range of housing options in that region.

Kāinga Ora will take over management of the council’s 142 properties and their tenants as a result of the deal. Much of the sale proceeds will be invested into a new council Housing Reserve that will seek investment into social and affordable housing projects across the wider Nelson community.

All council tenants will retain their current tenancy as part of the agreement that will formally take effect in early 2021.

While the agreement has been signed and tenants have been informed, there will be a three-month transition to full ownership while eligibility assessments are undertaken for the new tenants and to ensure they are given all the appropriate support.

Kāinga Ora’s Nelson-based Area Manager Dale says he and his local team of staff are looking forward to welcoming and working with the new tenants.

“It’s going to be exciting to start forming new relationships with the former council tenants and working with them. Bringing these tenants into the wider Kāinga Ora whānau is something my team are looking to embrace.’’

Dale says a lot of work has gone into working with the council, Ministry of Social Development and other partners to enable a smooth transfer.

“This has been a massive effort by many and it’s just great to now see the deal get across the line so we can start our role of working with our new tenants.’’

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Uma na faafou le itulau: 5 November 2020