Kāinga Ora has today released invitations for expressions of interest (EOI) for the contestable portion of the Infrastructure Fund, announced as part of the $3.8 billion Housing Acceleration Fund (HAF) in March.

The Infrastructure Acceleration Fund (IAF) is a contestable fund designed to allocate funding to infrastructure projects that unlock housing development in the short to medium-term and enable a meaningful contribution to housing outcomes in areas of need. It aims to increase the pace and scale of housing delivery by helping to fund critical infrastructure needed for developments.

Eligible projects include the new or upgrading of infrastructure for drinking water, waste water, sewage, roading, and flood management, which wholly or primarily enable the building of new and additional homes. Eligible costs include early stage feasibility studies, design, consenting and in some cases land costs.

The IAF is looking for proposals that are sufficiently advanced to provide enough certainty on housing outcomes, whilst not being so advanced such that IAF funding is not critical. Developers and landowners are expected to pay their fair share and Council’s contributions are not to be displaced.

In the first stage of the contestable process starting today, Councils, iwi and developers have until 5pm on 18 August 2021 to provide an EOI with high level information on the housing development and the eligible infrastructure projects enabling the housing development. Proposals will be evaluated against robust evaluation criteria and in the second stage a reduced number of applicants will be invited to submit a full proposal in response to an RFP.

The IAF will be administered by Kāinga Ora – Homes and Communities and the invitation for expressions of interest is now available through TenderLink(external link)

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Uma na faafou le itulau: 30 June 2021