The Residential Earthquake-Prone Building Financial Assistance Scheme will help unit owner-occupiers in residential earthquake prone buildings facing hardship over earthquake strengthening costs, in areas of high seismic risk.

The scheme is being delivered and managed by Kāinga Ora on behalf of the Crown.

"The scheme is to help owners living in their own unit or apartment and who are facing financial hardship, to get support to strengthen their building," says Greg Groufsky, Kāinga Ora Deputy Chief Executive Governance.

"Eligible applicants can apply for a low interest deferred repayment loan of up to $250,000. Without financial assistance. some owner-occupiers may be forced to sell their home/unit because they can not afford their contribution to strengthening their building."

To make sure the scheme is targeted to those who need the most support, there is a range of eligibility criteria to be met.

Find more information on the loan scheme and the criteria

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Uma na faafou le itulau: 28 September 2020