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Displaying 1 - 10 results of 366 for "lease"
Leasing my house through Kāinga Ora
From time to time, we will lease privately owned homes for use as public housing. We are not leasing any new homes for the foreseeable future as we focus on redeveloping and renewing existing Kāinga Ora public housing stock. If you currently lease a property to us through the Home Lease Programme, there are no changes to your lease arrangement with us.
Kāinga Ora enables a men's respite house in Gisborne
A respite house for men has recently opened in Gisborne, thanks to the support of Kāinga Ora’s Community Group Housing. responsible for.” Te Puni Kokiri and local iwi Te Runanganui o Tūranganui a Kiwa are funding the lease and the service. Tauawhi Men’s Centre manages the lease and
4,864 new Kāinga Ora homes delivered in 12 months
This year Kāinga Ora has delivered over 4,864 new state houses for individuals and whānau throughout the country. we own, and commissioning and then purchasing land and housing projects from private developers. It also purchases or leases existing homes in areas where there
Helping customers maintain community connections
In Wellington City, and across the Greater Wellington Region, Kāinga Ora has a range of work underway to deliver much needed homes to help meet the urgent need in our communities. As part of this work, Kāinga Ora has signed an agreement to lease around 100 one-and two-bedroom homes at 11 Church Street. The apartments are leased from
Kāinga Ora to deliver homes for older Aucklanders
Kāinga Ora will deliver 52 new homes for older Aucklanders through a collaboration with Eke Panuku and Haumaru Housing. . Kāinga Ora will lease the land from Eke Panuku (on behalf of Auckland Council) and community housing provider, Haumaru Housing, will manage the homes. The homes
Successful Glendowie salvage day
A recent community salvage day in the east Auckland suburb of Glendowie was a huge success for everyone involved – Kāinga Ora, our deconstruction partner Green Way and the local community. / whānau who needed them. Emma says another significant benefit is that these are items that could otherwise end up in landfill. “They get a new lease of life
Saving a slice of sustainability
Nick and Loretta have fed their community for years through hard work and green thumbs at a plot on vacant Kāinga Ora land. . It makes sense then that the pair would be disappointed the property’s lease was coming to an end and the garden would make way for social housing for New
A new start: Laura's journey to a brighter future
A home can provide so much more than simply a roof over someone’s head – in fact, the right home can be truly life-changing. Just ask Hamilton woman Laura, who has regained her independence since moving into her new, accessible Kāinga Ora home. given her a new lease on life,” adds Leah. And Laura couldn’t agree more. "Independence isn't just about doing things alone," Laura reflects. "It's about having
Food forest for future foraging
Our people have been doing the mahi to help create a food forest for locals in Molley Green Reserve, Mount Roskill, Auckland. home sites which have been cleared for redevelopment. Tenancy Managers Ameleina and Annie Following sign off by the local board for a five-year lease of the reserve
New home and city brings new lease of life
Almost a year after moving into his new Christchurch home, Alex is still counting his blessings.