As a provider of tenancy services to about 200,000 tenants, maintaining 69,000 homes and delivering 1,100 new additional homes each year, we have a significant opportunity to improve environmental wellbeing through our construction and urban development activities, and to catalyse positive change across the broader New Zealand industry. We are committed to ensuring an equitable and fair transition for our customers.

We want to ensure sustainable practices are integrated into the way we plan our urban development areas, build homes and do business. With six key priority areas we are looking to:

  • support a transition to low-carbon construction,
  • improve biodiversity and urban ngahere (forest) outcomes in our communities,
  • protect and restore waterways surrounding our development areas,
  • support low-carbon transport,
  • reduce construction and demolition waste,
  • ensure our homes and communities are resilient to future climate change impacts.

Our Environment Strategy [PDF, 1.1 MB]

Our focus areas

Our organisation

Page updated: 17 November 2022