Watch below to see what’s good to know when we may need to visit you at home.

All Kāinga Ora homes are inspected at least once a year to check things like smoke alarms and make sure everything works as it should. We may visit you at other times when needed, and it gives you another chance to let us know if anything needs fixing.

Before you move in, we will visit your home and give you a Property Condition Report to sign.

How long do visits take?

A visit usually takes up to 40 minutes. We’ll check that:

  • the condition of your home meets our maintenance standards
  • the property meets the Building Act and fire safety regulations
  • smoke alarms are in place and working
  • you are meeting your obligations as a tenant
  • we are meeting our obligations as a landlord.

Notice before we visit

We will let you know by letter 48 hours before we arrive to visit you at home. If the time doesn't suit you, please let us know by calling 0800 801 601 and we'll arrange another time.

Who needs to be home

An adult must be home for the annual visit - preferably the person who signed the tenancy agreement. If that isn't possible, you can arrange for an adult friend or relative to be there instead.

Who does the annual visit?

Either a Kāinga Ora team member or property inspection company. All inspectors must show you their identification. If they don't have any, ask them to wait outside and call us immediately on 0800 801 601.

Page updated: 4 July 2023