Watch below to see what’s good to know when something needs fixing in your home.

Kāinga Ora will:

  • make sure your home is clean and tidy when you move in
  • keep your home in good structural condition - we have an ongoing maintenance programme for all our properties
  • do any urgent repairs as quickly as possible
  • check that your smoke detectors work
  • repair normal wear and tear as soon as possible.

Requesting maintenance

For urgent and general repairs or maintenance enquiries, call us on 0800 801 601 and select 'option 4 - repairs and maintenance'. You can also log a non-urgent job online using MyKaingaOra anytime, and from the comfort of your home. You can view the status of existing jobs in the "Current Maintenance" section.

Urgent repairs are problems that affect your health and safety. We'll fix these within 4 hours, wherever possible.

Urgent repairs can include:

  • blocked drains, toilet or sewage problems
  • gas leaks or bad water leaks
  • no power or hot water
  • electrical faults.

If the work isn't urgent we'll get a contractor to visit within 10 working days to check what is needed.

They may decide that the job needs to be done as soon as possible or that the job becomes part of our planned maintenance programme. Often it makes sense to do some repairs, like painting or upgrades over several homes at once rather than separately. We will work with you on the best fix.

Type of maintenance Target response time
Urgent health and safety maintenance responses 4 hours
Urgent responsive maintenance (not health and safety-related) 48 hours
General responsive maintenance (non-urgent maintenance) 10 days
Responsive scope (larger defects or follow on work after a temporary repair has been done) 30 days

Doing my own maintenance repairs

If you want to do some maintenance around your home, talk with us first at the Customer Support Centre on 0800 801 601 and select 'option 4 - repairs and maintenance'.

You don’t need to call us if you want to do small repairs like tightening screws and changing light bulbs, but we can help if you are not confident doing them yourself or don't have the right tools to do the job safely.

To make sure our homes meet safety standards, we will check any work you complete yourself. If it doesn't meet our standards and contractors have to redo the work, you may have to cover the cost.

Modifying a home for disability

If you are a Kāinga Ora tenant and you have a disability or mobility need that require modifications to your home, get in touch to talk about how we can help. Contact us


Contractors that work for us are bound by a Code of Conduct. This requires them to:

  • contact you to agree a time for the repairs to be done - unless the job is urgent in which case we would assume you would be home
  • leave their name, address, phone number, date, time and reason for calling if you are not home when they call
  • show you their identification before entering your home
  • leave your house safe, clean and tidy at the end of every work day, and remove their rubbish
  • respect your privacy and treat your home and possessions with care
  • be appropriately dressed and polite to you at all times.

You can help by:

  • being home at the agreed time or giving us plenty of notice if you're not going to be home
  • moving furniture and personal items that may be in the way
  • keeping children and pets out of harm's way.

Page updated: 4 July 2023