Income or household changes could affect your place on the social housing register or how much rent you pay.

Whether you’re waiting for a Kāinga Ora home or living in one already, let the Ministry of Social Development know about any changes as soon as you can by calling:

  • Work and Income on 0800 559 009 or
  • Senior Services on 0800 552 002 if you’re over 65.

What is a change in circumstance?

Any changes to your household income or the number of people living at home. For example, let the Ministry of Social Development know if a family member moves out, or if the money you receive from work, a benefit or board changes.

If you are on the social housing register and you find a home somewhere else, please let the Ministry of Social Development(external link) know straight away so they can take you off the waiting list.

You can look at the information held about you at any time. If it's wrong, you can ask for it to be changed.

Page updated: 4 July 2023