Our tenants
If you are a Kāinga Ora tenant, this section is for you.

We care about both the quality of our homes and the wellbeing of the 190,000 people living within them – of which around 40% are children and young people.

Your tenancy agreement is a legal document. It tells you what you should expect from us and what we expect from you.

We’re here to support you and your whānau in your Kāinga Ora home with a genuine focus on wellbeing.
Being a good neighbour is an important part of living in your community. We encourage all our tenants to act as good neighbours.

We want to help you keep on top of your rent and other bills. On this page you’ll find some useful information and advice. You can also contact us if you have any questions.

Find tips and tools to help with budgeting, saving and preparing for unexpected costs.

Maintaining your Kāinga Ora home, making disability modifications and what to know when tradespeople are visiting your home.

Sometimes your home will need repairs. See what we can do for you and what you might be able to do yourself.

We know that pets can be great companions, and where possible, we want you and your whānau to experience the many benefits of pet ownership.

There are many reasons you may need to move to another home. We’re here to help, so give us a call if you want to move and we can chat about your situation, your housing needs and what housing options you may have.

By letting us know as soon as there’s a change in your living arrangements or income, Kāinga Ora and the Ministry of Social Development can make sure you get the best support available to you.

To meet growing demand for warm, dry state houses, Kāinga Ora is building thousands of new homes. Before we can start though, we often have to rehouse tenants into another home to make way for redevelopment.

If you plan to advocate on behalf of a Kāinga Ora tenant, you will need their permission before we can discuss their situation with you.

Check your account, rent balances, maintenance requests and so much more online using MyKāingaOra – our app just for tenants, - very much like MyMSD and MyIR.

Close to Home is a tenant newsletter supported by Kāinga Ora. Read about local communities, recipes, tips, advice and staying safe around the home.