Strategy publications
As Kāinga Ora continues to develop, our people are working hard to on a series of strategies and plans that set our organisational priorities and direction.

Kāinga Ora Strategy 2030 is a guiding document to sit alongside Te Rautaki Māori and show us how to make decisions and use resources to help shape the future of housing and urban development in Aotearoa New Zealand.

Te Rautaki Māori o Kāinga Ora 2021-2026 (Te Rautaki Māori) lays a solid foundation for the expression and realisation of Māori aspirations for housing and is based on the principle of partnership.

Our Urban Development Strategy focuses on how we will continue to positively transform and deliver successful urban development across Aotearoa New Zealand.

Our Environment Strategy focuses on how we can accelerate the delivery of positive environmental outcomes for present and future customers, communities and neighbourhoods.

Our Customer Strategy was written for Housing New Zealand, and is currently being re-evaluated for Kāinga Ora – Homes and Communities.

Kāinga Ora has developed a Supported Housing Strategic Plan, which provides our people with strategic direction as we grow and evolve our provision of Transitional Housing and Community Group Housing for people and whānau in need.

It is important for us to engage with the community, with iwi, hapū and rōpū Māori so we can produce plans that will guide us to achieve shared outcomes. The National Engagement and Partnerships team lead this mahi.
The Public Housing Plan sets out the government’s public housing supply plans for the next four years. It provides information about the location and number of additional public housing places to be delivered.