Kāinga Ora – Homes and Communities Act 2019

Sets out the objective given to Kāinga Ora (what we are here to do), its functions, and its operating principles (how we deliver the objective). Establishes Kāinga Ora as a Crown Entity.

Kāinga Ora - Homes and Communities Act 2019(external link)

Crown Entities Act 2004

This Act sets out how Crown entities and their subsidiaries are governed, sets out the directors’ duties and provides Kāinga Ora with its natural person powers.

Crown Entities Act 2004(external link)

Urban Development Act 2020

Provides a streamlined process for complex urban developments and grants additional powers to enable urban development generally.

Urban Development Act 2020(external link)

Ministry of Housing and Urban Development(external link)

Specified development projects

Other relevant legislation

Privacy Act 2020

Sets out the principles for collecting, using, and disclosing personal information. Also enables individuals to access their personal information.

Privacy Act 2020(external link)

Kāinga Ora – Homes and Communities privacy notice

Housing Act 1955

Provides for Kāinga Ora to acquire, manage, and dispose of land on behalf of the Crown, where the land is for state housing purposes.

Housing Act 1955(external link)

Residential Tenancies Act 1986

Sets out the rights and responsibilities of landlords and tenants in relation to rental properties.

Residential Tenancies Act 1986(external link)

Public and Community Housing Management Act 1992

(Among other things) sets out who is responsible for assessing tenant eligibility and calculating income-related rents (MSD) and how those rents are calculated.

Public and Community Housing Management Act 1992(external link)

Official Information Act 1982

Provides for access to information held by government agencies, based on the principle that all information should be available unless one of the (limited) reasons stated in the Act applies.

Official Information Act 1982(external link)

New Zealand Bill of Rights Act 1990

Sets out the rights and freedoms of all individuals in relation to acts done by the Government or by public bodies (for example, the right to be free from unlawful discrimination).

New Zealand Bill of Rights Act 1990(external link)

The common law (‘judge made’ law)

Imposes a general requirement on public bodies to act fairly, reasonably and lawfully.

The common law (‘judge made’ law)(external link)

Regulatory Law

There are a range of other Acts and regulations that apply to Kainga Ora’s day to day operations.  Some examples are:

  • The Health and Safety at Work Act (HSWA) 2015
  • Building Act 2004
  • Housing Improvement Regulations 1947
  • Fire and Emergency New Zealand Act 2017 and associated regulations


Page updated: 13 November 2023