Poloketi tetele o atinaega o le taulaga
E silia ma le 40,000 fale fou, mafanafana ma matū lelei o fuafuaina e le Kāinga Ora mo le atunuu atoa ma e auala atu i poloketi tetele o atinaega o le taulaga. E faafefiloi ituaiga fale o le a maua i le isi 20 tausaga o sosoo ai mai fale e faatupe se vaega e le malo, fale tumaoti ma faasolo atu i fale e gafatia na totogi.
O lo o fuafuaina e Kāinga Ora le fau o fale e fou, mafanafana ma matū e silia ma le 40,000 i le atunuu atoa i le isi 20 tausaga o sosoo ai, e faaaoga ai fanua e lei faaaogaina muamua – ma e faafefiloi ai ituaiga fale e umia e le malo, fale tumaoti, ma fale e gafatia na totogi (e pei o le Kiwibuild).
E ausia le faamoemoe lenei, i galuega faapaaga a le Kāinga Ora ma fai atinae faufale, pulega faalotoifale, iwi ma matagaluega a le malo e faataunuu poloketi e eseese lona lautelega mo le atinaega o taulaga.
O lo o faia galuega e faataunuu ai atinae tetele e ono i Aukilani - Hobsonville Point, Northcote, Roskill, Oranga, ma Mangere, ma le tasi atinae tele i Porirua. E iai fanua tetele e lei faaaogaina muamua ua faia ai atinae i Te Kauwhata, Waikato ma Tauriko i Tauranga.
O lo o galulue faatasi le Kāinga Ora ma le Tāmaki Regeneration Company e faaopoopo fale e fau i Point England, Panmure, ma Glen Innes i sasae o Aukilani. E faapena foi galuega faapaaga ma Ngāti Toa ma le Porirua City Council e faataunuu atinae tetele i Sasae o Porirua.
E le gata i le faaopoopo o le aofaiga o fale fou e tulaga lelei, e aofia ai ma fale e gafatia na totogi e pei o ituaiga e maua i le Kiwibuild, o poloketi nei ua maua ai avanoa e toe faaleleia ai atinae tetele, fesootai lelei ai tuaoi mai le tasi lotoifale i le isi, ma faamanaia atili ai nofoaga faitele mo tafaoga.
E tāua le maua i nofoaga, aai ma taulaga o isi mea e ese mai mea na fau e tagata, e tusa ma faiga o matou faaaogaina e atiae ai taulaga. E iloa le lelei o fuafuaga e atiae ai taulaga i le tau aofia ai o faiga tuai, talisapaia o agaifanua eseese o tagata o nofoia pitonuu nei ma faaleleia ai le siosiomaga. O le mafuaaga tonu lena o le galulue vavalalata ma tagata e faamautinoa le aogā o taunuuga mai atinae ua matou faia ma e lagolagoina le tofa mamao a le Kāinga Ora mo le fau o fale sili ona lelei, mananaia, faapea afioaga ma tagata.
Urban development sites

Hobsonville point
Hobsonville Point sits on a 167ha peninsula in the Upper Waitematā harbour, just 20 minutes’ drive north-west of Auckland.

Northcote, on Auckland’s north shore, is located just over the Auckland Harbour Bridge, a mere 15-minute drive from the CBD with great transport links.

Mt Roskill, in Auckland’s south-west, has great local facilities and transport links, and is home to a vibrant and diverse community, only 6.5km from the CBD.

Oranga is a hidden gem in central Auckland, 9km to the southeast of the CBD near the employment hubs of Greenlane and Penrose, close to Onehunga town centre.

Situated just south of the city, Mangere benefits from great access to several major employment centres, including Mangere Centre and Auckland Airport in the south.

Tāmaki is located 12km from Auckland’s CBD and is well connected with strong public transport and infrastructure.

Within easy reach of Auckland and Hamilton, the Lakeside development at Te Kauwhata sits right by the shores of scenic Lake Waikare, featuring dedicated reserves and wetlands.

Te Rā Nui / Porirua
Eastern Porirua is located 24km north of Wellington. It has one of the highest concentrations of social housing in New Zealand.
Uma na faafou le itulau: 4 March 2025