
Introducing the new Housing Delivery

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Introducing the new Housing Delivery Group


Rangatahi renovations build connection and career

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Rangatahi renovations build connection and career pathways

Four homes arrived on trucks, but that’s just where the journey began for 75 teenage tradies in training. Rangatahi tell us why they wanted to restore a relocated Kāinga Ora home.

Finding efficiencies in urban

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Finding efficiencies in urban development

Kāinga Ora is kicking off an initiative to drive down costs and achieve efficiencies for the delivery of urban development projects.

Build, Partnerships,

Kāinga Ora urban development keeps on

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Build, Partnerships,

Kāinga Ora urban development keeps on delivering

New roads, pipes and streetlights have paved the way for thousands of new homes in neighbourhoods across Auckland and in eastern Porirua, as large-scale urban developments led by Kāinga Ora hit new milestones.

Build, Partnerships,

Social housing projects win big at design and urban planning

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Build, Partnerships,

Social housing projects win big at design and urban planning awards

Multiple Kāinga Ora developments across the motu have been recognised for their immaculate design, masterful urban planning, and thoughtful build innovation.

Urban Design,

How (and why) public space can be made accessible for

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Urban Design,

How (and why) public space can be made accessible for all

What is Universal Design and why does it matter? Principal Urban Designer George Weeks explains.

Build, Community, Partnerships,

Coming together to plan the future of Auckland’s

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Build, Community, Partnerships,

Coming together to plan the future of Auckland’s North-West

Auckland’s North-West has been reconfirmed as a spatial priority area (also known as priority development areas or PDAs) in the city’s new Future Development Strategy, enabling investment and joined-up planning to support anticipated growth.

Build, Urban Design, Partnerships,

Foundations for the future: Partnering for good in

Tauranga play button

Build, Urban Design, Partnerships,

Foundations for the future: Partnering for good in Tauranga

Alongside its build programme, Kāinga Ora partners with developers to acquire new homes in areas of high housing need. This includes Gemscott Developments Limited, who has built 443 social homes – including a recent development in Tauranga.

Urban Design, Sustainability,

Researching architectural responses to climate

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Urban Design, Sustainability,

Researching architectural responses to climate change

Late last year, Mitra Homolja and Ellie Tuckey, founders of Third Studio in Wellington, received the inaugural F. Gordon Wilson Fellowship for public housing.

Urban Design,

Sharing lessons learned through Hobsonville Point

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Urban Design,

Sharing lessons learned through Hobsonville Point successes

In January, representatives from the Kāinga Ora Urban Planning and Design and Urban Development and Delivery teams hosted a cohort of around 20 Property Council Emerging Leaders at its Hobsonville offices.

Build, Urban Design,

Three women changing the face of

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Build, Urban Design,

Three women changing the face of construction

Today, Kāinga Ora is home to some of the most innovative minds in Aotearoa construction, including many women who have risen through the ranks and are helping to lead our organisation.

Build, Community, Sustainability, Partnerships,

Recycling and reuse at the heart of Port Chalmers

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Build, Community, Sustainability, Partnerships,

Recycling and reuse at the heart of Port Chalmers redevelopments

The redevelopment of Kāinga Ora homes in Port Chalmers, Dunedin is showing how a more sustainable approach to developing sites can benefit not only the environment, but the local community as well.


Te Uru terraces - exemplifying density done

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Te Uru terraces - exemplifying density done well

Hobsonville Point’s Te Uru terraces take out the Supreme Award at the 2023 National Resene Architectural Design Awards.


Made offsite to transform

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Made offsite to transform onsite

It’s not unusual for kiwis building a new home to use a building company that constructs the home at their facilities and then transports the nearly finished product to the home owners section to complete the final fit out.

Design precision at

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Design precision at Highbury

Kāinga Ora construction of new public homes is delivering warm, dry and energy efficient homes to thousands of kiwis throughout the country. One construction method speeding up the construction of the much needed public homes is the use of offsite manufacturing, or OSM.


Largest Kāinga Ora public housing development – Te Mātāwai

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Largest Kāinga Ora public housing development – Te Mātāwai completed

Kāinga Ora's first single-site supported public housing development – Te Mātāwai in central Auckland - was handed over by contractor Icon.

Fitting out a place called

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Fitting out a place called home

As New Zealand’s largest residential landlord, Kāinga Ora owns and manages nearly 70,000 public homes across the country. Many of these homes are more than 60 years old and are in need of a full renovation so they can keep housing people for decades to come.

The car created our sprawling cities, but it’s not too late to claim them

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The car created our sprawling cities, but it’s not too late to claim them back

Picture this: it’s Saturday morning and you’ve got a busy day ahead.

You need to start the day right so you hop in your car and drive to the nearest café to grab some brekkie.

Foundations for the future: how 40,000 homes are made

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Foundations for the future: how 40,000 homes are made possible

Kāinga Ora is building infrastructure at scale across New Zealand. Watch this video to see how just a few of our projects are tracking, and what that means for the communities we serve.


Building Momentum – Public housing construction advancing at

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Building Momentum – Public housing construction advancing at pace

Kāinga Ora is the country’s largest public housing landlord, with almost 200,000 customers and whānau living in over 70,000 of our homes.

Build, Partnerships,

Housing Delivery System

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Build, Partnerships,

Housing Delivery System project

Kāinga Ora is undertaking the biggest public build programme in decades.

Our Housing Delivery System (HDS) is what we’re calling a new way of planning and building houses to deliver much needed, quality homes for whānau faster and at a lower cost.

Build, Urban Design,

New guidance helping to deliver sustainable, thriving

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Build, Urban Design,

New guidance helping to deliver sustainable, thriving communities

Kāinga Ora releases refreshed Tāone Ora: Urban Design Guidelines for public, market and affordable housing and Toitū Te Whenua Toitū Te Kāinga: Landscape Design Guide For Public Housing.

Build, Community, Sustainability,

From (under) the ground up: How thriving communities

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Build, Community, Sustainability,

From (under) the ground up: How thriving communities begin

Infrastructure is more than just pipes and cables, it’s the things that bring people together and which make our neighbourhoods more resilient. Done well, infrastructure can increase connectivity, improve our environment and enable thousands of homes.


Building resilient

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Building resilient communities

GM Urban Development and Delivery, Mark Fraser explains how good infrastructure can future proof our neighbourhoods against the effects of climate change


Working Better Together to deliver for

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Working Better Together to deliver for Auckland

A new partnership with Auckland Council and its CCOs will see us delivering for Auckland faster.

Build, Partnerships,

Offsite innovation for

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Build, Partnerships,

Offsite innovation for housing

Build, Community,

More whanau in the

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Build, Community,

More whanau in the trade

When Matthew Sauni qualified as an electrician, one of the best parts was making his family proud.


What does it mean to be truly climate

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What does it mean to be truly climate resilient?

Our Director – Sustainability Alec Tang, discusses recent climate events and the broad approach required to truly build community and climate resilience.

Partnerships, Partnerships,

Kāinga Ora extends partnership with Auckland civil

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Partnerships, Partnerships,

Kāinga Ora extends partnership with Auckland civil alliance

In January 2025, we confirmed we will be ending our contractual agreement with LEAD Alliance. We will be exploring alternative contracting options for the delivery of our infrastructure programmes across our large-scale projects (LSPs).


Barriers down as a new panel is stood

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Barriers down as a new panel is stood up

Kāinga Ora has an important responsibility to create homes and communities that allow New Zealanders to thrive, and it’s a responsibility we can’t deliver on our own.

Build, Community, Sustainability, Partnerships,

Building opportunity through

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Build, Community, Sustainability, Partnerships,

Building opportunity through waste

Timber from old public houses is being used to create new furniture and assist with skills training in Tonga.


Civils works completed in Mangere West

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Civils works completed in Mangere West project

Civils works on the Mangere West A project – stage 1 (west side of Te Ara-rata Creek), which forms part of the wider Mangere Development large-scale project, were completed in May 2022.


Creating a sense of place for Mt Roskill

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Creating a sense of place for Mt Roskill community

Downsizing the Kiwi Dream: How good design compensates for less

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Downsizing the Kiwi Dream: How good design compensates for less space

In 2014, HLC ran an experiment. We wanted to see if there was a market for smaller homes. Not just slightly smaller homes, but much smaller.

How Innovative Urban Design is Safeguarding Water Quality at Hobsonville

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How Innovative Urban Design is Safeguarding Water Quality at Hobsonville Point

You only need to look at Hobsonville Point from above to understand the importance of managing water on site.


Northcote Greenway: Weaving the strands of community

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Northcote Greenway: Weaving the strands of community together

Northcote residents and students are providing valuable input to the design of the Awataha Greenway so that it becomes a place that is treasured by the community.


Quick build innovation trialled at Hobsonville

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Quick build innovation trialled at Hobsonville Point

At Hobsonville Point, a number of innovations are underway that aim to deliver more high quality homes for Aucklanders, more quickly than ever before.


Auckland's surprising about-face on

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Auckland's surprising about-face on density

Faced with an increasing population, a housing shortage, and rising construction costs, Aucklanders are quickly beginning to embrace density.


Living well by

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Living well by Design

At Kāinga Ora we are delivering an increasing number of public homes and we’re committed to working with our partners to design public housing where our customers can live well and prosper.

Is Auckland’s best model for growth right in front of our

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Is Auckland’s best model for growth right in front of our eyes?

Over the next two decades Auckland is going to become markedly more dense. A lot of that increased density will arrive in the form of suburban apartments.