Sixteen new homes for central Nelson
22 June 2023
Kāinga Ora is planning to build 16 new two-storey homes for people and whānau in need on a prominent central city site in Nelson.
Kāinga Ora will this month lodge a resource consent application with Nelson City Council to build the new six two-bedroom and 10 three-bedroom public homes on the site of the former Masonic Hall building at 107 Nile Street.
Julia Campbell, Regional Director Nelson, Marlborough and West Coast, says this is another important step towards being able to provide more homes for Nelson families. Kāinga Ora last week shared proposed plans for the new homes with neighbours.
“Too many people in Nelson are still finding it very difficult to find a place to live, with 261 people on the public housing register in the city. These homes are in a convenient location that is close to shops, schools and other amenities. There’s also plenty of green space for tamariki to play, so this will be a great place for people and families to call home.
“We’re still in the early stages of designing these homes and these plans could change as we make progress but, depending on resource and building consent processes, we expect construction to begin towards the end of this year,” she says.
Kāinga Ora purchased the Nile Street site in October last year. The former Nelson Masonic Hall building that was on the site has been removed down to its concrete slab and foundations. As the site is historically significant, Kāinga Ora is awaiting an archaeological authority and resource consent before these can be removed, ahead of construction beginning on the site.

An artist’s impression of the proposed new homes for Nile Street in Nelson.
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Uma na faafou le itulau: 22 June 2023