The Safest Place to Work Awards aims to recognise New Zealand organisations which have fostered positive work culture, worker engagement and deliver all-round excellence in health, safety and well-being in the workplace.

Kāinga Ora’s Health, Safety and Security Manager Tarniya Comie said Kāinga Ora is delighted with its wins.

Rowan Macrae, Deputy Chief Executive Corporate (left) and Tarniya Comie, Health, Safety and Security Manager (right) holding the Supreme and Best Large Enterprise awards

“We are a nation-wide organisation of more than 1,600 people that has major focuses on:

  1. looking after more than 185,000 customers and more than 65,000 properties;
  2. designing, planning and building thousands of new state, affordable and open market homes at scale and pace.

“This means Kāinga Ora has a broad range of employees covering a broad range of skills in many different types of workplaces so health, safety and well-being need to be well understood and managed with robust operating policies and procedures.

“To win these awards there is an extensive evaluation process involved. We  assessed our systems and processes against 10 different elements which were then benchmarked against 2,500 other organisations using the SAFE365 tool.

“Kāinga Ora’s win is testimony to the attitudes of the whole organisation and we’re very proud to win both the Supreme and Best Large Enterprise awards,” Ms Comie said.

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Uma na faafou le itulau: 19 November 2019