Nasra Pānui kairēti Close to Home

Ko Close to Home ko tētahi pānui kairēti e tautokona ana e Kāinga Ora. Pānuitia mō ngā hapori pātata, mō ngā tohutaka, mō ngā aki, mō ngā tohutohu, mō te noho haumaru hoki i te kāinga.

Liu family 1920x1080 Ngā mātārere me ngā puka kairēti

Tirohia ngā mātārere, ngā puka me ngā pepa meka tino hou mai i a Kāinga Ora – Homes and Communities.

Tenancy policies

Kāinga Ora proactively releases information to help inform understanding of the reasons for decisions. Publishing our tenancy policies aims to support openness and transparency around our role as a landlord and the responsibilities of our tenants.