Kāinga Ora Strategic Engagement
13 Haratua 2022
Kāinga Ora - Homes and Communities is working on some of our key strategies and would like to invite our partners and stakeholders to attend our online engagement hui and / or engage with us online.
Kāinga Ora - Homes and Communities is working on some of our key strategies and would like to invite our partners and stakeholders to attend our online engagement hui and / or engage with us online.
Kāinga Ora is a developing organisation, and our teams have been working hard toward our vision: Building better, brighter homes, communities and lives - He oranga Kāinga, he oranga hapori, he oranga tāngata. As part of this process, we have begun work on a series of strategies and plans to set our organisational priorities and direction.
Following extensive engagement with Iwi and rōpū Māori, we have developed Te Rautaki Māori, our Kāinga Ora Māori Strategy 2021-2026. We are now ready to engage on Kāinga Ora Strategy 2030 and a number of other strategies and plans, which set out how we plan to shape the Housing and Urban Development system and deliver on our outcomes.
The Kāinga Ora Strategy 2030 will sit alongside Te Rautaki Māori 2021-2026 and the two will fall within the strategic aspirations of he waka hourua – the double hulled waka. Both strategies are equal and one cannot make progress without the other.
He waka hourua represents a new and united strategic direction for Kāinga Ora. It emphasises partnership and alignment across the various strategies, with Kāinga Ora 2030 and Te Rautaki Māori o Kāinga Ora 2021-2026 at the forefront. These strategies are interdependent and connected through a shared Outcomes Framework and the Statement of Intent.
Engagement Opportunities
You can engage with us online at https://letstalk.kaingaora.govt.nz/(external link) Additionally, we are hosting two online 2-day hui where we will present our strategies and plans through a series of online sessions and invite participants to engage in conversations.
If you or a representative of your rōpū, iwi or organisation wishes to attend any of the sessions to hear our thinking and provide some feedback, please register for the hui on our online engagement platform(external link). You can also access all information that will be presented and provide feedback.
- Kāinga Ora Strategy – 17 May or 24 May
- Asset Management – 17 May or 24 May
- Environment Strategy – 17 May or 24 May
- Urban Development Strategy – 18 May or 25 May
- Supported Housing Plan – 18 May or 25 May
- Partnerships Strategic Plan – 18 May or 25 May
If you have any questions or require any further information, you can email us at engage@kaingaora.govt.nz
Media Contact
Kua whakahoungia te whārangi: 13 Haratua 2022