Kiwisaver first home withdrawal Te tangohanga kāinga tuatahi a KiwiSaver

Mēnā kua noho koe hei mema o KiwiSaver mō te 3 tau i te itinga iho, ka taea pea te mahi i te tangohanga mai i ō penapena hei āwhina atu ki te hoko i tō whare tuatahi.

Guide to home ownership Te aratohu ki te hoko kāinga

Kua whakaritea e mātou tētahi aratohu hei whakaatu i ngā mea me whiwhi koe me te wā me oti kia whai mana, kia tū pakari ai tō haere.

first home loan img Pūtea Taurewa Whare Tuatahi

Ka whakamāmāhia ake pea te Pūtea Taurewa Whare Tuatahi kia uru atu koe ki tō kāinga tuatahi mā te whakaheke i te moni tāpui e herea ana ki te 5%.

LH building site FINAL First Home Decision Tool

Kāinga Ora offers several products to help New Zealanders into home ownership. If you are thinking about buying a home, use our tool to see what you could be eligible for.

kainga whenua img Kāinga Whenua

The Kāinga Whenua Loan is designed to support whānau Māori with their housing aspirations and remove some of the barriers to accessing finance.

tenant home ownership img Te whai whare a te kairēti

Mēnā he kairēti a Kāinga Ora koe, ka māraurau pea koe ki tētahi takuhe hei āwhina ki te hoko i te whare e noho nā koe.

FHP Hoa Hoko Whare Tuatahi

Ko te kaupapa o tēnei whārangi he āwhina i ngā kiritaki o te Hoa Hoko Whare Tuatahi onāianei. Kua kapi katoa tēnei kaupapa.

home ownership resources tile Ngā rauemi whai whare

Tīkina ake ā mātou mātārere hua me te toro atu ki ngā hono whaitake ki ngā paetukutuku ka āwhina pea i a koe i te ara ki te whai kāinga.