Kāinga Ora正在高需求地区用更多温暖、干燥的房屋取代许多老旧公屋住宅,从而更有效地利用土地。

Our Housing Delivery System (HDS) is how we are planning and building houses to deliver much needed, quality homes for whānau faster and at a lower cost.

Kāinga Ora is making more efficient use of land by replacing many of our older state houses with more, warm and dry homes in areas of high demand.

Kāinga Ora正在使我们的住房更温暖、更干燥、更健康,以改善租户的福祉。通过我们的改造计划,我们升级、改造了一些老旧住房,为我们的租户提供更多可以称之为家的优质房源。

To provide warm, dry and healthy homes in a financially sustainable way, we are transforming how we upgrade our older homes and maintain our portfolio of over 75,000 properties.