LH building site FINAL First Home Decision Tool

Kāinga Ora offers several products to help New Zealanders into home ownership. If you are thinking about buying a home, use our tool to see what you could be eligible for.

guide to home ownership img v2 Guide to home ownership

Here’s a helping hand at every step you take towards home ownership.

first home loan img 首套房贷款


kainga whenua img Kāinga Whenua

Access to finance for Māori building on multiply-owned Māori land.

Kiwisaver first home withdrawal KiwiSaver首次置业提款


FHP 首次置业伙伴


Kiwibuild temporary KiwiBuild


tenant home ownership img 租户房屋所有权

如果您目前是Kāinga Ora租户,您可能有资格获得补助金以购买您目前的住房。

home ownership resources tile 拥有住房有关资源

Kāinga Ora管理和支持多项政府提供的产品和举措,协助买家置业。