Kāinga Ora—住房和社区部于2019年10月成立,这标志着新西兰住房和城市发展的巨变的开端。

Kāinga Ora is resetting its focus so it can better serve tenants and communities and leave a sustainable social housing legacy for future generations.

At Kāinga Ora we are committed to growing diversity across the organisation and enabling a culture of inclusion in everything we do.

In our journey to deliver housing and urban development we meet some incredible people, and discover some amazing stories. See the Kāinga Ora story throughout the videos.

Kāinga Ora有责任确保我们为所有客户(包括有无障碍需求的客户)提供合适的住房。我们自2020年起就制定了无障碍政策,阐明了我们的公共住房对此的承诺。